Below is a list of our Frequently asked question.
How do I make an order?
Explore the website to find what you need, add to the card, check out, fill out the required information, shipping address included and then submit your order. You’ll then check your email for info regarding payment.
Do I need a Medical Card to order?
You can make an order on this website which includes Buy Marijuana Online, Buy Weed Online, Cannabis Edibles and more WITH or WITHOUT a medical card.
Do you ship to my Country?
Entirecannabis ships to all States in USA, Canada, UK, Asia, Australia and more. Find Countries on the list when making your order
How do you send Weed?
Entirecannabis offers top discreet packaging, double sealed vacuum and smell proof bags for shipping of our weed.
All orders delivered without any complications.
Can I verify the status of my order?
All orders are traceable on the mailing website using their track and trace facility. When we send out your order, we’ll email you the tracking reference number.
How long before I receive my order?
United States
Express Shipping takes 15-36 Hours
Standard Shipping 1-3 Days
Europe: 3-6 Business days
Most overseas orders will arrive before the week runs out.
Can I mix strains?
Yes, you can get more than 1 strain when you order an ounce.
1once can mix up to 2 strains
1/8 lb up to 3strains
1/4 lb up to 4strains
1/2lb up to 5strains
1lb up to 6strains
To mix strains you’ll make an order for the MOST expensive in all the strains you wanna mix then add a note to the order with the order strains.